Well i just wanted to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year, i know i am abit late but oh well. I hope you all had a lovely christmas and a brilliant new year.
Now onto my new year resolutions
I dont think i really have any and i know i have missed a day but if you guys have any ideas of one i could have then please leave a comment below please because i really want a couple to focus on the only ones i can think of doing at the moment are.....
1. Trying to make time for myself to take my makeup of and i know you must be thinking ewwwww you dont take your makeup of at night and the answer to that is i do take my makeup of most nights but others i just dont and i know how bad it is for your skin and everything else but i am sure i wont be the only one.
2. Try to post at least one blog post every week.
3. I am going to try to be more helpful around the house that as a result will help my mum.
Top Priority
4. Try to convince my mum to let me get my belly button pierced. This is a working progress i have tried to bribe her, reason with her, persuade her but nothing is working :( .
If you have any ideas please comment below literally anything tell me.
Now before i had no idea of my resolutions but as i started writing i just thought of more and more but still if u have any more then leave a comment below.
My thoughts
At the end of every blog post i will put a title 'My thoughts' under this i will update you on anything thats happening in my life or just anything really that i want to share with you that isnt related to the blog post but it is manly me just rambling on about stuff (like i am doing now) so if you are just here for the text related to the post just ignore this part of the post.Also i will include where the photos are from at the end underneath.
Its my first post of the year. I thought i would just throw that in there.
Happy New Year